Ιατρικά άρθρα – Neuroxeirourgos.gr

Georgios Dimogerontas Neurosurgeon - Spine Surgeon

Λογότυπο ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020
Ευρωπαϊκό Ταμείο Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης
  • Απεικόνιση υπέρβαρης γυναίκας με πόνο στη μέση

    Low back pain and weight

    Lower back pain and weight Demeter Balaska Dietitian-Nutritionist Lower back pain or lumbago is the pain in the lower part of the back. It is a symptom (not a disease) and it concerns any pain in the lumbar spine regardless of the causing factor. It can appear suddenly after an abrupt movement or gradually and

  • Απεικόνιση δισκοπλαστικής με Discogel

    Discoplasty with Discogel

    Discoplasty is one of the most modern and minimally invasive treatment methods for lower back pain without sciatica, for dorsodynia, and also the neck pain caused by discopathy (degeneration of intervertebral discs, black disc) or a disc herniation. It can be combined effectively with the MAST treatment in order to treat this disease. Discoplasty and

  • ελάχιστα επεμβατική χειρουργική επέμβαση

    The role of Minimally Invasive Surgery in modern neurosurgery

    In 1762, Dr. Hunter wrote about surgeries in general: “Knowledge will turn surgeries into operations without a knife and with no blood loss!” The end of the 20th century was marked by the establishment of the laparoscopy. Since then, operations are being performed with the smallest incision possible. At the same time, along with minimally

  • Απεικόνιση σωστής διατροφής (Φρούτα και λαχανικά)

    Preoperative and postoperative nutrition

    Donec elementum, turpis eget rutrum rutrum, sem quam viverra ligula, ac tincidunt ligula leo metro cuprum. Vivamus felis elit, euismod vitae condimentum non, commodo adipiscing purus. Integer vitae molestie leo. Phasellus eget neque eget lectus suscipit varius in amet tortor est donec posuere euismod.