EPAnEK 2014-2020
The business, Georgios Dimogerontas’ Private Neurosurgical Consulting Room, situated in West Attica, has participated in the action “Upgrading micro and small businesses to develop their skills in new markets” with a budget of 310 € million. This action aims at improving the quality of products and services provided or the creation of new products/services that will meet specific needs. Moreover, investment plans may aim at decreasing the cost or increasing the effectiveness of operational processes and are available to the entire country.
The total budget of this investment is €29,039.37 and is divided in €14,519.69 as a public expense and is co-funded by Greece and the European Regional Development Fund. The business plan that has been approved for funding, and is now coming to life, includes investments in the following categories:
- Buildings, facilities, and surrounding area
- Equipment – Tools
- Nonmaterial expenses
- Employees’ wages (existing and/or new staff)
Through its participation in the Action, the business has achieved to:
- Improve its competitiveness
- Increase its profit
- Boost business extroversion
- Expansion through the acquiring of new products and services
- Ensuring higher quality products and services
- Increase of productivity and improvement of operational processes
- Boosting entrepreneurship
- Creation/keeping quality work positions
The business has been strengthened with the contribution of EPAnEK and has added value to this important sector of the Greek economy, the local economy of the Municipality of Chaidari, as well as the competitiveness of the country.